Privacy Policy:
To protect the privacy of our users and ensure the proper use of their personal information, we have formulated this privacy policy statement (hereinafter referred to as "this policy"). If you do not agree to any of the contents of this policy, please do not register or use Onetap services. By logging in and using Onetap services, you agree to all the contents of this policy voluntarily.

Terms of Service:
Onetap provides technologies and services designed to help gamers play games without limitations on terminal devices. These Terms of Service apply to your use of Onetap, unless we expressly state that other terms (other than these Terms) apply. These products are provided by Infinity Launch Technology Limited.

Unless otherwise specified, your trial of Onetap or the other products and services described in these terms is free. However, we may show you ads promoting goods and services from businesses, organizations, and other individuals who pay us. By using our products, you agree to see advertisements that we think may be relevant to you and your interests. You are responsible for judging whether to purchase paid goods in the game, and the software party is not responsible for the purchase results of the third-party game mall.

We will not sell your login information and personal data to advertisers, nor will we share information that can directly identify you with advertisers. Our privacy policy explains how we collect and use your personal data to determine some of the advertisements you see and to provide all other services described below.

We engage in research activities to improve our services, products, and user experience. This includes analyzing the user data we collect, such as user experience data, to understand how users use the product.

1.Agreement Scope

This agreement governs the use of various products and/or services provided by Jiyou Agency. However, it does not cover products or services provided by third parties via our products and services. When you access other websites through our products and/or services, client or mobile applications, we cannot control the collection or acquisition of your information by such third parties. We recommend that you carefully read and understand the relevant terms of third-party products and/or services or websites regarding the protection of users' personal information. Please note that we are not responsible for the protection of third-party personal information.

If you use one or more services provided by Jiyou Agency with their separate privacy policy, the privacy policy corresponding to such services will constitute a complete privacy policy together with this privacy policy. Please pay attention to check the separate Privacy Policy.

It is important to note that as a user of Jiyoushe, if you use the services of Jiyoushe to provide services to your users, your user data and business data belong to you. Therefore, you should obtain your user's agreement to the privacy policy and assume responsibility for it.

Onetap services are designed for individuals aged 13 and above. Any individual under the age of 13 who participates in online activities must obtain prior consent from their parents or legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians"). If you are a child, please inform your parents or guardians to read this policy and seek their consent and guidance before submitting your personal information.

2. How We Collect and Use Information
We collect information necessary to provide our services based on the principles of legality, justification, and necessity. When you use our services, we may collect, store, and use the following information:

User login information: If you use our services by logging in to a third-party platform account, we may collect your relevant information under such third-party account, such as account name, account nickname, avatar, etc.

Product and/or service information display and search information: We may collect personal common equipment information that you use our products and/or services, such as client version, network environment, hardware model, and operating system version, to provide you with the best way to display product information. We will also use this information to continuously improve and optimize our functions. If you search for our products/services as a guest, we will only show you products/services based on popular recommendations. Please note that your search keyword information cannot individually identify you and does not belong to your personal information. We have the right to use it for any purpose.

Network status and connection information: We collect frame rate and delay data of your cloud play to optimize your connection so that your requests go to the closest server.

Payment information: After you place an order, you can choose the payment service provided by the third-party payment that cooperates with Onetap. The payment function itself does not collect your personal information, but we need to share your order number and transaction amount information with these payment institutions so that they can confirm your payment instructions and complete the payment.

Information to improve our products and/or services: We may also collect other information about you for the reasonable needs of providing services and improving service quality, including relevant information provided when you contact our customer service team, and relevant information we collect when you interact with us.

Other Information: You acknowledge and agree that we may use technical means to de-identify the personal information collected from you, and the resulting de-identified information will not be able to identify you. As a result, we reserve the right to analyze and commercialize the de-identified user database without obtaining your separate consent.

Various Functions and Device Permissions: You understand and agree that certain Onetap services may require specific access permissions (such as location information, storage space, camera, photo album, microphone, and address book) on your device in order to collect and use information. Most mobile devices allow you to turn off these permissions upon your request. For specific instructions, please refer to your mobile device service provider or manufacturer. Please note that by enabling any permission, you authorize us to collect and use relevant information to provide corresponding services. If you later revoke any permission, your authorization will be cancelled and we will no longer collect or use information based on that permission. Disabling permission may prevent you from receiving corresponding services. However, it will not affect the previous collection and use of information based on your authorization.

Sensitive Personal Information: The information provided by you or collected by us may include personal sensitive information, such as transaction and consumption records, virtual property information, system account number, email address and related passwords, phone numbers, web browsing records, and location information. Please exercise caution and pay attention to personal sensitive information. By agreeing to this policy, you authorize us to process your personal sensitive information according to the purpose and method described herein.

Details: The details of your use of our services, including your cloud play game history and search game history, will be retained by us and used in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Please note that Onetap uses third-party services that may collect information that can identify you. Links to the privacy policies of third-party service providers used by Onetap are provided. In the event of an app error, we may collect data and information from your phone (via third-party products), which is known as log data. This log data may include your device's Internet Protocol ("IP") address, user ID, device name, operating system version, and device configuration.

3. Use of Cookies or Similar Technologies
We use our own cookies or similar technologies that help us remember your identity and preferences. For example, cookies or similar technologies may be used to identify you as our registered user or save the information you provide to us.

You have the option to reject or manage cookies or similar technologies through browser or user choice mechanisms. However, please note that disabling cookies or similar technologies may result in the inability to access certain services, and some services may not function properly.

4.Use of information
We will use your information in the following ways:
To fulfill obligations arising from any contract between us and you, such as providing access to your Onetap account, offering games and technical support, and allowing the use of your Onetap user information, remaining time, and whether to share it or not.
To ensure that Onetap services are presented to you and your computer or other device in the most efficient manner.
To provide you with information, products, or services you have requested that we think may be of interest to you. For example, we may send you newsletters or emails about Onetap services, special and occasional offers such as welcome offers, or advertisements, offers, and product recommendations based on your purchases or activities on our and third-party websites and services (optional, of course).
To evaluate the effectiveness of our marketing actions and improve the quality of our marketing.
To notify you about changes to Onetap services and our legal documents.
To improve or modify Onetap services based on your favorite games, game style, reported problems, suggestions, or satisfaction surveys.
To calculate conversion rates and other elements of Onetap performance.
To share information with third-party service providers such as payment processors, but only to the extent necessary to provide those services.
To create a common user profile based on information about your use of Onetap services and other platforms (we will rely on the data you provide when merging your Onetap account with your account on other platforms) to make our services more meaningful to you.
To protect your account from illegal use and prevent fraud.
For tax, legal, and accounting purposes.
For accountability purposes under EU legislation (GDPR).

5. How We Share, Transfer, or Disclose Personal Information
5.1 Sharing
Unless otherwise stated in this policy or required by law, we will not share your personal information with any third party without your consent. However, in certain circumstances, we may share your information with third parties in order to provide our services to you, including but not limited to payment institutions, data service providers (including online advertising), and partners who help us monitor, analyze and optimize our products and/or services. We may also share your personal information with our affiliates for the purpose of providing consistent services based on a unified account system, facilitating personalized recommendations, and protecting system and account security.

Additionally, we may share your information with third parties who have entrusted us to promote their products or services, in order to help them understand the reach and effectiveness of their promotions. We may disclose your information to other companies or organizations if necessary to abide by laws and regulations, protect our interests and the interests of our affiliates or partners, prevent fraud and other illegal activities, or reduce credit risk. Please note that this does not include information that is sold, rented, shared, or disclosed in a manner that violates the commitments made in this policy. Your information may also be disclosed at your legal request or with your authorization and consent, or at the legal request of your legal guardian. We may also provide your information in accordance with the individual service agreement that you signed with us (including electronic agreements signed online and corresponding platform rules) or other legal documents.

5.2 Transfer
As our business continues to grow, we may engage in mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers, or similar transactions, and your personal information may be transferred as part of such transactions. We will require any new companies or organizations that hold your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy. Otherwise, we will require the company or organization to seek your authorization again before transferring your personal information.

In cases where we obtain your explicit consent, we will transfer your personal information to other parties.

5.3 Disclosure

We will only disclose your personal information under the following circumstances and with the adoption of industry-standard security measures:
Upon your request and according to the information and disclosure method specified by you;

When we are required to provide your information under laws, regulations, mandatory administrative law enforcement or judicial requirements, we may disclose your information based on the required information type and disclosure method. We will also require the recipient to issue corresponding legal documents, such as subpoenas or investigation letters. We believe in being transparent within the bounds of the law about the information we are asked to provide. All requests will be carefully vetted to ensure that they have a lawful basis and are limited to data that law enforcement has a legal right to obtain for specific investigative purposes;

Disclosing your personal information in litigation or arbitration to protect our legitimate rights and interests;

Sharing, transferring, and disclosing personal information that has been de-identified in accordance with the law. Such actions do not constitute external sharing, transfer, and public disclosure of personal information. Storage and processing of de-identified data will not require further notice or consent from you, and we will take measures to ensure that the data recipient cannot restore and re-identify the information subject.

We are committed to protecting our users' personal information from being disclosed or misused. We do not sell, rent, trade, or in any way disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties, except in the following cases:
A. When we obtain your explicit consent or instructions.
B. When required by relevant laws and regulations or government departments, we may disclose your personally identifiable information to the relevant authorities.
C. We may disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties if it is necessary to protect your interests or the public's safety. For example, if you are likely to infringe on the rights, property, or safety of others, we may provide necessary information to third parties to protect the legitimate rights and interests of relevant parties.
We may share certain anonymous information with our partners to improve our products and services. However, these partners are prohibited from using this information for any other purpose, and we will take reasonable steps to protect your information from disclosure.

6. How to retain, store and protect personal information
We adhere to strict retention policies for your personal information, only retaining it for as long as necessary to fulfill the purposes outlined in this policy and as required by applicable laws and regulations. In the event that we cease operations either partially or completely due to poor management or any other reason, we will notify you of the situation and cease processing your personal information, unless otherwise required by law or agreed upon by both parties. In such cases, we will take measures to delete or anonymize the personal information collected.

6.1 Technical measures for data security
We are committed to ensuring the security of your personal information. To achieve this goal, we will adopt security measures that adhere to industry standards. This includes establishing reasonable system specifications and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, data damage, or loss of your personal information.

Our services employ a variety of encryption technologies to encrypt and securely store your personal information. We also use isolation technology to ensure that your information is kept separate and secure.

When using personal information for tasks such as information display and association calculation, we will employ a range of data desensitization technologies to further enhance the security of your information.

To ensure that personal information is protected from unauthorized use or disclosure, we have implemented strict data access controls and multiple identity authentication technologies. This helps to safeguard your personal information and prevent any misuse of data in violation of regulations.

6.2 Other security measures to protect personal information
To ensure the secure storage and use of personal information, we have established a data classification and grading system, data security management specifications, and data security development specifications. These measures help us implement comprehensive security control over data, including information contact confidentiality agreements and monitoring and auditing mechanisms. We also conduct security and privacy protection training courses to enhance employees' awareness of the importance of protecting information.

6.3 Access control and monitoring mechanism
We only allow Onetap employees and partners who need to access your personal information to do so. We have established strict access control and monitoring mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access. All individuals who may have access to your personal information are required to fulfill corresponding confidentiality obligations. Failure to do so may result in legal action or termination of the partnership with Onetap.

Please note that while we take extensive security measures, the internet is not a completely secure environment. Communication methods with other users such as email or other service software may not be fully encrypted. Therefore, we recommend using complex passwords when using these tools and paying attention to protecting your information security.

6.4 Handling of security incidents
When communicating with a third party or purchasing goods and services through Onetap services, you will inevitably disclose your information, such as contact information, to the counterparty or potential counterparty. Therefore, it is crucial to properly protect your information and only provide it to others when necessary.

To deal with possible risks such as personal information leakage, damage, and loss, we have formulated several systems to clarify the classification and grading standards of security incidents and security vulnerabilities, and the corresponding processing procedures. We have also established a dedicated emergency response team for security incidents. As per the requirements of our security incident handling specifications, we will launch security plans for different security incidents, stop losses, analyze, locate, formulate remedial measures, and cooperate with relevant departments to trace and combat.

Please note that even though we have implemented various security measures to protect your information, we cannot always guarantee 100% security due to technical limitations and external factors beyond our control. The system and communication network you use for Onetap services may experience issues or vulnerabilities.

Therefore, please ensure that you keep your account, password, and other identity elements secure. We identify you through your account number, password, and other identity elements when you use Onetap services. If you suspect or find that your account number, password, and/or other identity elements have been or may have been leaked, please contact us immediately so that we can take appropriate measures to avoid or minimize related losses.

7. Third-Party Services
Our tour agency services may contain links to social media or other third-party services, such as websites, which may collect your information, including log information. You can use the "Details" button on the game recommendation page to access these third-party services. We may also provide links to third-party services or websites through advertisements or other means to help you achieve your desired outcome. In order to provide you with the best products and user experience, we may access third-party SDK services and use some of the user management information that we collect in accordance with this policy to enhance user portraits.

Please note that this Privacy Policy does not apply to the privacy policies of the services provided by third parties that are displayed on, linked to, or repackaged with our services. We do not know or control their actions, and we cannot be held responsible for their actions. Therefore, we advise you to be cautious when accessing or using third-party services and review and accept their privacy policies before proceeding. If you choose to share your information with third-party websites, you will also be subject to the terms of service and privacy policies of those websites, which are operated by relevant third parties.

We recommend that you take precautionary measures if you find any of these third-party services to be risky in order to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

8. Modifications and changes to this policy
We strive to continuously improve and enhance our services and we may need to modify this Privacy Policy from time to time. Therefore, we reserve the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy as needed and publish an updated version on our website or within our services. The effective date of the revised version will be indicated in the updated policy. In the event of any material changes to this Privacy Policy, we may notify you via an in-app notification, email, or other means. We encourage you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect your information.

If we make any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post a notice on the bulletin board within Onetap. We recommend that you periodically review this Privacy Policy for any updates. If we make substantive changes to this Privacy Policy, we will provide you with a more prominent notice within Onetap (for example, by email). By continuing to use our services after an update to this Privacy Policy, you agree to accept all changes made to this policy.

9. Requirements
Onetap use and transfer to any other app of information received from Google APIs will adhere to, including the Limited Use requirements.

10. Deletion of information
If you wish to delete your information from our services, you can do so by contacting us through the email address provided below. We will process your request as soon as possible, subject to applicable laws and regulations. Please note that we may need to retain certain information for legal or legitimate business purposes.

11. Contact us
If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback regarding this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please feel free to contact us using the contact information below:

Contact person: Cate
Contact email:
Official website address:
We will do our best to address and resolve your inquiries or concerns in a timely and appropriate manner.

This privacy policy was last updated on May 6, 2023, and may be revised from time to time without notice. Please check this page regularly for any updates or changes.